This project has been carried out with the support of the European Community. Playing Field received a 94.000 euro grant from the European Commission’s Culture 2000 programme. ‘Culture 2000’ aims to provide funding for quality projects, which encourage innovation and creativity, provide real European added value and which reflect the current concerns and areas of interest of operators in the cultural field. The content of this project does not necessarily reflect the position of the European Community, nor does it involve any responsability on the part of the European Community.

Apart from the European Commission,
Fedor Veltman / Stichting XS4ALL
gave a generous contribution to the project.

Influxis partially sponsors the Flash Communication Server MX Hosting for Playing Field artworks.

Kirk Woolford's project was sponsored by:

Arndt Hochstetter's project was supported by:

Slateford's project was supported by the
Scottish Arts Council